Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I love reading blogs!

Over the past two years I have become a follower of many kindergarten blogs.  Bloggers like Deanna Jump, Mrs. Jump's Class, inspire me to continue to work hard for my students.  The authors of the various blogs I follow have a passion and love of teaching that is very contagious!  I could spend hours (which I do) getting ideas for my own classroom. 
Along with reading other teachers' blogs, I would love to eventually create a blog for other teacher's to follow.  If you asked me a few years ago what my favorite subject I taught was, I would have said math.  I would have to say know that I love to teach writing because of the collaboration with bloggers.  I have had a blast this year teaching the various genres of writing to my kindergarten students with the help of graphic organizers, fiction, and nonfiction texts.
A few weeks ago I stumbled across a blog post written by a name named Ben Johnson.  He wrote about the importance of collaboration and avoiding something called "teaching isolation".  He stated that teachers "tend to stick to themselves. This could be because of self-consciousness or embarrassment, but the attitude of professional privacy is not conducive to professional development (Johnson)."   He later states that professional development depends on teacher collaboration.  I would agree 100% on that!   I see blogging as another form of much needed teacher collaboration.
So here is to blogging together on this fun journey! I hope we can all learn from each other, be open minded, have fun, and make learning exciting for our kids.

Johnson, B. (2011). Making the Most Out of Teacher Collaboration. Edutopia. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. I love reading blogs too! So many blogs have given me inspiration to stretch myself and be a better teacher. There are so many ideas out there. I love how the ones that are benefiting from all of this inspiration are our kiddos.

    I am happy to be your newest follower and would love for you to visit me when you get the chance.

    Heather's Heart
